Mistress Malissia's

Dominatrix Academy



Become a Professional Dominatrix 

In-depth training for a world-class business in the FemDom industry.


Mistress Malissia's

Dominatrix Academy



Become a Professional Dominatrix 

In-depth training for a world-class business in the FemDom industry.

About the Program

The Art & Business of FemDom

Learn the formula to build a successful career:
  • Have a sustainable and reliable income.
  • Create long-lasting relationships with clients.
  • Learn to reinvest in your business.
  • Take responsibility for the power and trust relinquished to you.
  • Multiply your income sources, so you don’t depend on the market's fluctuations.
  • Master the skills of your niche.
  • Create a unique practice.
  • Get professionally trained by mentors who inspire you.
  • Keep learning, trying new things, taking classes and courses. 

Rise higher!

Whether you are a newbie or a SWer who now wants to learn about Domination, or a current Dominatrix who wants to uplevel, you WILL gain from this Program.

About the Program

The Art & Business of FemDom

Learn the formula to build a successful career:
  • Have a sustainable and reliable income.
  • Create long-lasting relationships with clients.
  • Learn to reinvest in your business.
  • Take responsibility for the power and trust relinquished to you.
  • Multiply your income sources, so you don’t depend on the market's fluctuations.
  • Master the skills of your niche.
  • Create a unique practice.
  • Get professionally trained by mentors who inspire you.
  • Keep learning, trying new things, taking classes and courses. 

Rise higher!

Whether you are a newbie or a SWer who now wants to learn about Domination, or a current Dominatrix who wants to uplevel, you WILL gain from this Program.


In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Meet high-quality subs who value you and are devoted to you.
  • Be confident in your skills and practice.
  • Run an independent and flourishing business.
  • Have an outstanding Brand that is unique to you.
  • Be part of a supportive sisterhood that will celebrate you on your Mistress  journey.
  • Discover and embrace new parts of yourself. 
  • See an increase in your profit, pleasure and purpose.

The right Mentor will not only teach you tools and techniques so you can work quick. They will transform you from the inside out, so your work is an extension of your innate power and unique personality.

Peak into the course content...


Mistress Mindset

You can only bring others as far and deep as you have gone yourself. This class is about:

  • Take ownership of what influences your self-perception and confidence.
  • Belief-Busting to expand your perimeter of possibilities.
  • Breaking free from the limitations that may be holding you back from accessing your full potential.
  • Envisioning your Mistress Self.

To create a long-lasting career and an influential practice that transforms those you play with, you have to first be aware of where you are starting from and where you are lead to go.


The Divine Domme within

Becoming a Dominatrix is not a ''role'' you play. It is about liberating the innate Dominant version of yourself and allowing her to play full out, through a specific context; she is a version of you. This class will be about:


  • Uncovering your own deepest desires, needs and aspirations.
  • Bringing to light and acknowledging your own fears and limitations so you can move through them.
  • Setting clear intentions and expectations for what you are creating.
  • Your Brand's values and who you want to become through this journey.

Your Mistress Self is an extension of the woman you were always meant to be.


Power Dynamics

There is always an exchange of power, whether it is conscious or not, controlled or not. In this class you’ll learn:

  • How to navigate power in your scenes.  
  • To maintain the Dominant position at all times.
  • Effective mind control techniques.
  • To use seduction as a superpower.

Once you control the brain of your sub, you gain complete power over their sexuality. Once you have power over their sexuality, you own them.


Kinks & Fetishes

Behind every type of play, there is an attempt to fulfill a deep desire. In this class, we will cover:

  • The psychology behind the various kinks you will encounter.
  • How to effectively ignite and play with your sub's fetishes.
  • Pet play, sissy play and feminization, slave training, ABDL, medical play, chastity play and orgasm control, anal and pegging, human objectification, CBT, needle play, sensory play, impact play, Goddess worship and service submission.
  • Various methods to perform bondage.

There will be demonstrations of each of these categories of play on subs. The In-Person students will also have the opportunity to practice in Mistress Malissia's Dungeon, with her equipment, on her subs.


Sacred BDSM

At the core of power exchange, is energy exchange. And only in the darkness we can see the light. This class will cover:

  • The connection between Kink and Spirituality.
  • How to create a holistic practice that will impact yours and yours subs life way beyond play.
  • Making intentional rules and rituals that will make your play meaningful, if not transformational.
  • Various ways to build a devotional practice, so your sub has you on your mind at all times.
  • Bringing mindfulness into your play.
  • Different methods to create out of bodily experiences.

You will witness, from transcendence of Self to deep surrender, how BDSM is more connected to the spiritual realm than we realize.


Craft your scene

When you have a session, there is a lot that has to happen before and after it, so that the actual playtime is the most fulfilling for all parties involved. This class is about:

  • Effective communication and negotiation prior to the scene.
  • Creating a memorable experience that satisfies you all.
  • How to flow naturally and not think during the scene.
  • The aftercare and follow up after the scene.
  • Learning various techniques about guiding your sub on a journey that will leave them craving for more.

From the correspondence to the actual interaction, there is a lot of details that you have to be mindful of to create a successful and sustainable practice.


The sub-Mission

Despite all the work you do on yourself, how much you train and what you learn and become competent in, it will be useless if you don't have anyone to play with. In this class you’ll learn:

  • The different types of subs you will encounter.
  • How to attract subs who are aligned with you, your vision, your desires and your needs.
  • How to spot time-wasters and develop an effective system to filter them.
  • The perspective of different subs and hear about their experience in the realm of BDSM (Mistress Malissia's subs will be present to share with you all). 

A sub can only rise to the standards of his Mistress. And the more pleased She is, the more fulfilled they will be.


Long term D/s relationships

If you are interested to cultivate long-lasting relationships with your subs, own them, have them at your service beyond sessions, this class will be very valuable. You will learn:

  • How to create a ''training plan'' to keep them on track and train them to be the best subs for you.
  • To maintain a fulfilling relationship whether it is in person or online, or a balance of both.
  • To implement accountability and excitement so the relationship allows you both to grow together. 
  • To contribute to each other's needs.
  • The symbolic and various methods of ''ownership''.
  • About High Protocol Dominance and submission.

D/s relationships don't need to be outside of the Professional work you do; they can be part of it and contribute to it. 


Build your Brand

Once you have absorbed, understood, learned and practiced the material we have so far covered and you are ready to play, you will need to create a business and a brand. This class covers:

  • How to find your personal niche.
  • How to create an outstanding brand.
  • Marketing strategies and advertisement.
  • Effective investment tips.
  • How to find and connect with your target clients.
  • How to make a great website and run your ads.
  • Making the most of Social Media (despite the restrictions).

What you exude is what you attract. Create an epic brand that aligns with your personality and values.


Online Domination

In 2024, no matter what you do, if you can also do it online you multiply your opportunities exponentially. This Bonus Class will cover:

  • How to create an epic online session, no matter what type of play you engage in. 
  • How to create an immersive experience through the screen.
  • Powerful techniques to connect with the camera.
  • OnlyFans (and other platforms): the strategies to make your account profitable and create passive income.
  • Curating an ''online world'' where your subs feel close to you no matter where they are in the world.

This class will offer you the opportunity to envision the endless possibilities of working remotely.


This Program is for the woman who...

  • Wants to work in the adult Industry as a ProDomme.
  • Desires to have a practice that is meaningful and impactful.
  • Is ready to explore the intricacies of human sexuality. 
  • Wants to earn a 6-figures income without relying on selling clips online.
  • Is ready to challenge herself and grow on all levels.
  • Believes that for women to rise it is about collaboration and not competition.
  • Is new in the SW Industry and wants to build a solid foundation.
  • Or is currently a SWer who wants to bring her business to the next level.

This Program is NOT for you if...

  • You want to learn about Female Domination ONLY for your personal life.
  • You want to learn surface level material just so you can make quick money.
  • You are uncomfortable with nudity and sexuality. 
  • You want to focus only on making clips online and not so much on human interaction.
  • You're not interested in doing personal development.
  • You want to be the top tog and reign above all other women.
  • You don't care about BDSM and Kink in your SW practice. 
  • You want to learn to be a good submissive. 
  • You're male.

Mistress Malissia

  • Former Dominatrix
  • Kink and BDSM Expert
  • Mentor of Female Dominance in Life & Business

I am a former Professional Dominatrix who has traveled and worked around the globe, created a successful multiple 6 figure business and is now on a mission to share my experience, knowledge, and skills acquired through the years to train women how to make a profitable career as ProDommes and create an outstanding brand in the SW Industry.

From the beginning of my Mistress journey, I completely immersed myself in the Realm of BDSM, demystified, mastered, and applied the Art of Female Domination in all spheres of my life. With countless hours of practice (in person and online), courses and classes under my belt, personal subs that have served me for years and running my own dungeon, I built an incomparable career and became a world-renowned Dominatrix in less than 6 years. 

I am before and foremost passionate about the human mind and how it relates to sexuality. I am an explorer of the shadow self and believe that only when we embrace our dark side we can truly see our light.

-Mistress Malissia


Special Guest Speakers TBA

No matter what I teach you and the vision I share with you, every Dominatrix has a different perspective, with unique methods and skills you can learn from.

So I love inviting professionals from the industry, whose work I admire and I know would bring valuable input for any aspiring ProDomme, be part of the Program! All of them are renowned and will share with you their own personal flavour of BDSM.

They will each offer a 1h Live online seminar followed  by a Q&A, outside of the days of your classes, available to all participants.

-Mistress Malissia

Online Program:


-10 Modules (to be completed at your own pace)

-Access to all the LIVE TRAININGS recordings

-Weekly DommeWork to implement the learnings

-Online seminars offered by renowned Professional Dominatrices 

-LIVE virtual training sessions with subs

-Monthly Live Q&A

 -Welcome Ceremony and Graduation Celebration!




1. Somatic Integration: Embody your Mistress Self

2. Dark Tantra : Discover how to play at the intersection of Tantra and BDSM

3. Identity shift: Stepping into the Mistress Role beyond role play

VIP option: UPGRADE to work 1:1 with Malissia during the Program. 2 x 1h focused mentoring sessions for 600$ extra. Possibility to be done in person


For those who complete all the classes and assignments, you will receive a Certificate from Mistress Malissia's DOMINATRIX ACADEMY.  

Join Mistress Malissia's

Dominatrix Academy